Tag: Séminaire Thématique

Thematic Workshop “Arts and Information Sciences”

Table of Content Thematic Workshop of the INS2I Scientific Councilon Arts and Information Sciences 15 May 2017 Synthesis report report (pdf in French) Introduction Chair Marie-Paule Cani, Professor, Grenoble University [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2017/05/Collaborations-Art-STIC.pdf”] Presentations Remi Ronfard,  Inria Rhône-Alpes: “Computer Sciences and Visual Arts (Cinema, Theatre)” [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2017/05/RONFARD-CULTURE-MAI-2017.pdf”] Gerard Assayag, Ircam: “Computer Sciences and Music” [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2017/05/G_Assayag-INS2I-Mai-2017.pdf”] Philippe Gaussier, Prof. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://csins2i.irisa.fr/en/seminaire-thematique-arts-et-sciences-de-linformation/

Thematic Seminar « Cyber-Physical & Human–Systems»

Table of Content Thematic Seminar « Cyber-Physical & Human–Systems» (CPHS) 27 Février 2017 Synthesis [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2017/02/SIIH-INS2I-Synthèse-et-Proposition-version_finale.pdf”] Introduction Chair :Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (L2S) Mariana NETTO (INSTAR): Introduction to major CPHS challenges , [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2017/02/CPHS_Mariana_Netto_CS_CNRS_27_02_2017__f2.pdf”] Presentations : Frédéric VANDERHAEGEN (LAMIH): Adverse effects associated with delegation of functions in CPHS: issues of risk analysis [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2017/02/CPHS-Frederic_Vanderhaegen-27févrierCNRS.pdf”] Franck MARS (LS2N): Human Factors in Autonomous …

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Permanent link to this article: http://csins2i.irisa.fr/en/seminaire-thematique-cyber-physical-human-systems/

Thematic workshop “Ethics in Information Sciences”

Table of Content Thematic Workshop of Ins2I Scientific Council on Ethics in Information Sciences May 9, 2016 Recommandation of CSI INS2I on “Ethics in Information Sciences” Recommandations (in french) List of presentations: Isabelle Tellier : introduction  (5’) [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2016/04/éthique_CSI.pdf”] Max Dauchet: chairman of CERNA, the ethic committee of Allistène Topics addressed : introduction to CERNA Which topics are on the air …

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Permanent link to this article: http://csins2i.irisa.fr/en/journee-ethique-en-sciences-de-linformation/

Scientific Council September 21st, 2015

Scientific Council of September 21st, 2015 (Public minutes to appear): Program (in French): [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2015/03/odj_CSI-INS2I_20150921.pdf”]

Permanent link to this article: http://csins2i.irisa.fr/en/conseil-scientifique-dinstitut-du-21-septembre-2015/

Thematic Workshop on “Experimental Platforms in Information Sciences”

Table of Content Thematic workshop of the Scientific Council of INS2I on experimental platforms in Information Sciences Executive Summary of Scientific Committee of  INS2I on experimental platforms in Information Sciences Executive summary approved by the  CSI on December 7th, 2015 [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2015/06/Synthese-plateformes.pdf”] Annex: ” Plateform Questionary” [gview file=”https://csins2i.irisa.fr/files/2015/06/ProjetquestionnairePlateforme-1.pdf”] Program of the workshop Domus (Liglab) by Vivien Quéma : …

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Permanent link to this article: http://csins2i.irisa.fr/en/plateformes-en-science-de-linformation/