Category: Séminaire Thématique

Thematic Seminar : « INSERM/INS2I »

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Thematic Workshop “Social responsibility of the algorithms”

Thematic Workshop « Social Responsibility of Algorithms »   Report from the Scientific Council (pdf in french) Introduction : Alexis Tsoukias (pdf) Serge Abiteboul, (Inria, ENS): “Social Responsibility of Algorithms“ Jérôme Lang (LAMSADE, Univ. Paris-Dauphine) : “Algorithm and mechanism design” (in french) Benjamin Nguyen (LIFO, Insa Orléans): “Data Protection” (in french) François Pellegrini (LABRI, Bordeaux and CNIL): “Social …

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Thematic Workshop “Arts and Information Sciences”

Table of Content Thematic Workshop of the INS2I Scientific Councilon Arts and Information Sciences 15 May 2017 Synthesis report report (pdf in French) Introduction Chair Marie-Paule Cani, Professor, Grenoble University [gview file=””] Presentations Remi Ronfard,  Inria Rhône-Alpes: “Computer Sciences and Visual Arts (Cinema, Theatre)” [gview file=””] Gerard Assayag, Ircam: “Computer Sciences and Music” [gview file=””] Philippe Gaussier, Prof. …

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Thematic Seminar « Cyber-Physical & Human–Systems»

Table of Content Thematic Seminar « Cyber-Physical & Human–Systems» (CPHS) 27 Février 2017 Synthesis [gview file=”èse-et-Proposition-version_finale.pdf”] Introduction Chair :Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (L2S) Mariana NETTO (INSTAR): Introduction to major CPHS challenges , [gview file=””] Presentations : Frédéric VANDERHAEGEN (LAMIH): Adverse effects associated with delegation of functions in CPHS: issues of risk analysis [gview file=”évrierCNRS.pdf”] Franck MARS (LS2N): Human Factors in Autonomous …

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(Français) Séminaire Thématique “Internet des Objets”

(accès privé, restreint aux membres du CSI) Merouane Debbah (HUawei / Supelec) : radio pour l’IoT [gview file=””]   Questions servant de fil conducteur au séminaire thématique Scénarios, killer applications Les outils existant dans la communauté / la structuration nationale (ou son absence de structuration) Les grandes avancées des dernières années dans le domaine, la …

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Thematic Workshop “Software production and transfert”

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Thematic workshop “Ethics in Information Sciences”

Table of Content Thematic Workshop of Ins2I Scientific Council on Ethics in Information Sciences May 9, 2016 Recommandation of CSI INS2I on “Ethics in Information Sciences” Recommandations (in french) List of presentations: Isabelle Tellier : introduction  (5’) [gview file=”éthique_CSI.pdf”] Max Dauchet: chairman of CERNA, the ethic committee of Allistène Topics addressed : introduction to CERNA Which topics are on the air …

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Thematic workshop “Security in information sciences”

Table of Content Thematic Workshop of Ins2I Scientific Council on Security and Information Sciences February 29th, 2016 Official report of the Scientific Council on “Security and Information Sciences” Report approved on Sept. 9th, 2016 (in French) [gview file=””] List of presentations, CSI INS2I, Feb. 29th 2016: Guy Gogniat : Introduction f the workshop [gview file=”ée-Thematique-sécurité.pdf”] Jean-Marc Jézéquel – IRISA …

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Wild Card to Gerard Berry, CNRS Gold Medal 2014

Thematic Day dedicated to Gérard Berry, CNRS Gold Medla 2014 “Place of Information Sciences in CNRS and beyond” Biosketch of  Gérard Berry on CNRS web site Presentation: [gview file=””] External links related to the presentation: Correlation ≠ Causality: Spurious Correlations Exposé  de Denis Bouyssou autour de la place de la bibliometrie dans l’évaluation scientifique Executive summary …

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Thematic Workshop “Place of Women in Information Sciences”

Table of Content Journée thématique du Conseil Scientifique de l’Ins2I autour de la place des femmes dans les sciences de l’information Recommandations du conseil scientifique sur l’égalité Homme-Femmes en Sciences de l’Information [gview file=””] Liste des présentations: Introduction de la journée Présentation de Charlotte Truchet Synthèse du CSI (en cours de rédaction) Présentation de Brigitte Plateau, Grenoble …

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